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Global College HOMEPAGE

We train global leaders to lead a future society with a sense of global citizenship mission in the 21st century.

The School of Global Studies has established several courses that focuses on communication, empathy, and building global capacity, and allows students to specialize in different majors like global management, global Hospitality management and global Korean studies. These majors are expected to help and to connect international community and Kyungsung University as a hub of communication.

We prepare global leaders to shape the future with a strong sense of responsibility towards global citizenship in the 21st century.

Global College is a specialized program designed specifically for international students, focusing primarily on English-based courses.
Our mission is to cultivate global leaders by providing them with a robust foundation of international academic and professional knowledge.

The academic disciplines and majors we offer have been meticulously developed over time, ensuring that our students are well-equipped to adapt to the rapidly changing global landscape.
Global College features two undergraduate schools with five majors, along with four graduate departments. These are organized under two schools.

○ School of Global Studies
  - Global Business Administration
  - Global Hospitality Management
  - Global Korean Studies

○ School of Global Engineering
  - Global IT Engineering
  - Global Mechanical Design Engineering

Most of our majors include comprehensive undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs, and we are continually expanding our academic offerings to meet the needs of our students.

College of Liberal Arts


The College of Liberal Arts prvoides the necessary bsasic character-building education needed for maintaining a healthy, harmonious society. To achieve such a goal, the college continues to develop taching methods and curriculums in response to the chaning society and to promote logical thinking. Also, the college continues to educate talented students with creativity and high moral values throguh developing potentials and characteristics.

College of Law and Political Science


The College of Law and Political Science aims to educate talented students capable of contributing to the country and mankind through a wide range of studies in social studies. The college provides various in-field practice education, special lectures by invited instructor and multimedia education at high-tech equipment lecture halls to help incubate talents necessary to lead the 21st century.

College of Commerce and Economics

With the goal of incubating talents satisfying the needs of businesses with practical capabilities, the College of Commerce and Economics provides foreign language education and overseas field practice to strengthen their global competitiveness. The College of Commerce and Economics constantly strengthen its goal to incubate global leaders by expanding its studies outside of the classroom.

College of Science

The College of Science focuses on developing balanced growth between basic science and applied science. Through positioning outstanding professors and developing student-centered education program, it educates talented students capable of leading the industrialized and informative society. The college is also implementing higher level education equipment to establish an advanced research environment enabling finer laboratory practices.

College of Engineering

The College of Engineering aims to incubate talents with specialized engineering theory and application capability to contribute to the national industry’s development. Since 2018, the Major in Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Department of computer science, and Department of pharmaceutical Engineering have been established with a focus on the core area of the fourth industrial revolution era, and a training base has been established to emit progressive and creative leaders with international expertise.

College of Pharmacy

The College of Pharmacy fosters true pharmacists and professional pharmacologists by having them explore the basic truth pharmacology and learn the appropriate character and morality. In addition, the college encourages pharmacists and pharmacologists to share their hopes for a better global human welfare with others. Moreover, we are steadily making efforts and growing with the objective of contributing to the development of pharmacology.

College of Arts

The College of Atrs has combined traditional creativity and imagination beyond traditional university structures. Students will be able to learn professional theories and practical training to discover their individual identities and grow into creative talents.

College of Theology


We foster students to be faithful based on Christian values and train them to become professionals through academic research and education, thus contributing to the development of the church and humanity. Here, students can study theology without being confined to any denomination for it is based on an ecumenical theological spirit.

College of Creative Human Resource


College of Creative Human Resource develops characteristics, self-improvement abilities and communication skills which are key features required for glocal multi-cultural age through basic liberal arts education. The college offers an opportunity for students to acquire creative intelligence that information and knowledge society requires by selective liberal arts education of both knowledge and life realms. And also another bachelor’s degree can be attained through Liberal Arts Degree Track that are areas of students’ concerns and request for entering into society.